The land Down Under
Expeditions & Luxury Trains
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Below you will find examples from our repertoire of countless great experiences.

Kinrara Expedition
We know areas that few people see. We would like to introduce one of them to you: The Kinrara National Park in Queensland. Enjoy a unique ecosystem with warm hospitality and exciting moments. You will never forget this 5 day journey to an oasis of biodiversity in Australia!
Expeditions & Luxury Trains
Minke Whales Expedition
Do you know one of the most trusting whale species: the Dwarf Minke Whales?
Only a few among this charismatic species, which seeks and appreciates the closeness of people, is granted the privilege of being in such close contact. Join us on an expedition where you can explore these wonderful animals together with marine biologists.
Expeditions & Luxury Trains

Australia's Legendary Trains
A trip on Australia’s famous trains is an unforgettable experience.
Travel on the Ghan from the tropical regions of Darwin to the renowned wine regions of Adelaide. Or take a trip on one of the longest routes in the world with the Indian Pacific, from Sydney via the Blue Mountains, Broken Hill and Adelaide to Perth. These are just two of the four famous train routes Down Under.